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5 Ways of Reusing Your Empty Pre Roll Joint Tubes

Useful Ways to Reuse Pre Roll Joint Tubes

Green Rush Packaging’s pre roll joint tubes and pop-top bottles are designed for optimal cannabis storage, offering airtight, waterproof and scent-proof solutions. But that’s not all that can go in these nifty plastic little tubes!

As the marijuana packaging market continues to grow, with projections reaching $24.1 billion by 2028, it’s important to consider the sustainability aspect of these products. If you find yourself with several pre roll containers left over from your last trip to the medical cannabis dispensary, don’t fret. There are many other uses for those tubes besides just storing cannabis.

In line with the growing trend of sustainability in packaging, which saw a dramatic 42% increase in consumer interest from 2021 to 2022, here are five creative ways to repurpose your pre roll tubes:

1: Storing pills & other small parts

Let’s start with the obvious. It’s a tube… you can put tiny things in there.

Say for instance if you’re in the habit of keeping aspirin on hand but you buy the economy-sized bottle of the pills. A smart way to keep just enough in your purse or car would be to fill up a pre roll tube. Not that the freshness of pills matters, but the pre roll tube can keep them fresh and dry wherever you decide to stash them.

That doesn’t just go for pills, either, any small little part say if you’re working on a computer or small electronics and you need a place for all of those tiny screws. If you’ve ever purchased something at IKEA, then you’ll definitely need a pre roll joint tube or two if you ever want to move.

Check out our range of child resistant cannabis packaging that’s perfect for safe medication storage.

2: As a tiny first aid kit

What do you need in a tiny first aid kit? A couple of band-aids, a pair of tweezers, some ointment, a couple cotton swabs and an individual pack of painkillers? (Side note: The American Red Cross recommends having a first aid kit in every vehicle and at home). All of these little things can be kept inside a pre roll joint tube, and our tubes are available in the most popular sizes, including:

Pre roll tubes are the perfect size because the tubes can be stashed literally anywhere and taken anywhere so you’re prepared for an emergency. You can make several first aid kit tubes to stash in every purse, diaper bag, travel suitcase and car. You really never know when you might be in need of a first aid kit for a minor scrape or burn.

Speaking of burns, you can make specific kits too for different problems, like a burn kit for the kitchen or a first aid kit for the beach. Learn about the importance of proper packaging in our blog on the things you need to know about child resistant packaging for marijuana products.

3: For traveling

Flying and traveling is always so touch and go, and it’s hard to know how much of what you’re supposed to have to get through security. Thankfully, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allows small containers of liquids in carry-on bags, making pre roll tubes ideal for travel-sized toiletries.

Not only that but if you’re a person that has a lot of medication to take with you, these pre roll containers can really be a lifesaver. The best part about using pre roll packages for traveling is because they don’t take up a lot of space in your suitcase or your purse. The airtight seal can keep things from getting dirty or sticky in your bag. Just like with the first aid kit, you can make little kits for traveling, like a mini survival kit for camping.

Find out how our packaging solutions can benefit various industries in our article entitled, The Evolution of Cannabis Packaging.

4: Storing jewelry or hair supplies

Organizing small accessories can reduce stress and save time. A study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that clutter can negatively impact mental well-being.

Bring your stress levels down plus save precious time by storing jewelry and hair supplies in your extra pre roll tubes. If you’re doing a day to night look or going somewhere after work and want to add on a necklace, earrings or bracelet to your outfit, you can put it all in the tube and drop it in your bag.

Short-haired people will understand the bobby pin struggle, too. Whenever you need a bobby pin, they’re all at the bottom of your purse or bag, and they’re dirty, sticky somehow. Not something you want to put in your hair! Pre roll tubes can solve this problem.

You can store so many nice, clean bobby pins in a pre roll tube, and then snap it safely closed. You can also store other hair supplies such as hair ties and small clips. Have a bunch of perfume samples? Pre roll bottles are scent-proof too, so they can keep the scent contained so it doesn’t get all over your stuff.

Our selection of customized cannabis packaging can be adapted for various storage needs, including cosmetics and accessories.

5: For tobacco or spice mixes

Finally, our pre roll containers are excellent for storing various herbs and spices. Additionally, if you roll your own cigarettes from loose tobacco, a great way to store just enough extra tobacco for rolling would be to pack a pre roll tube full of your favorite brand and then slip a couple papers in there too.

You could even keep it as a pre roll joint tube and pack a few pre-rolled cigarettes in there to portion out your intake for the day. The pre roll tube will keep your product fresh and dry while also concealing any smell. This is probably a weird one, but if you’re a forager or you like to mix your own spices, you can keep them in a pre roll tube, too. These plastic tubes are made for storing herbs, after all!

Rethinking your packaging

These creative repurposing ideas demonstrate the versatility of pre roll tubes beyond their primary use in cannabis packaging. As a cannabis business, consider how multi-functional packaging can enhance your product’s value proposition. Analysts from Nielsen report that 73% of global consumers say they would definitely or probably change their consumption habits to reduce their impact on the environment.

At Green Rush Packaging, we’re committed to providing sustainable, versatile packaging solutions that meet the evolving needs of the cannabis industry and beyond. Our pre roll tubes and pop-top bottles are designed with both functionality and sustainability in mind, offering your customers products that can be easily repurposed after use.

By offering packaging with multiple uses, you’re not just selling a product; you’re providing a solution that extends beyond its primary purpose. This approach can enhance customer satisfaction, promote brand loyalty, and contribute to a more sustainable future for the cannabis industry.

Explore our full range of options for cannabis packaging to more effectively promote your brand’s sustainability efforts.

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